Shenzhen Sinosun Technology Co., Ltd.
Wireless Broadband/Narrowband MESH
(Centerless, MP2MP, Dynamic Routing/Multi-hop Relay, Network & Serial & Voice)
Data Link/HD Video/Industrial Wireless Networks
(Master-Slave,P2P/P2MP/Relay, Network & Serial)
Wireless Data Transmission
(Conventional/Frequency Hopping, Broadcasting, Transparent Transmission, Serial)

Multiple Serials Multiplexing Module

By using TDMA technology the serial port is extended to three (or more) two-way full duplex serial ports through real-time data multiplexing and demultiplexing. The main channel rate is above 115.2 Kbps and the sub-channel is9.6/19.2/38.4 Kbps adjustable. The physical interface supports RS232/485/422 and TTL.